Pixhawk won't enter ESC calibration

Hi all, Working on my pixhawk build and I'm having issues with ESC calibration. Using the 3dr 20 amp ESC's and 850kv motors.. I'm not new to quads, I have a apm 2.6 build. I try to enter calibration mode in the pixhawk - TX throttle high - Plug in batt - unplug batt - plug in batt - Here is where the issue is, it makes the 3 beeps but doesn't have the long beep afterwards indicating it's ready for calibration mode. I realize after that beep I need to hit the safety switch and pull throttle low but I'm not getting that long beep like in the Iris ESC calibration vid.

Any help would be appreciated. Also I keep having issues connecting it to MP in which the only way to resolve is to pull the microsd and format... It's really annoying, has anyone had the same issue?


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  • Hi all,

    I have similar issue and also posted to Github but did not got an answer or yet:


    My Pixhawk enters calibration mode, calibrated SOME ESCs, but not all.

    With next restart, some ESCs are still in calibration mode. During start they get wrong calibrated and than the copter crashes.

    I have 3DR ESCs with also original 3DR Pixhawk.

    Anyone an idea or some support by 3DR?



  • Ok I got the ESC's to calibrate but I'm constantly having to reformat the SD card. NOW I get the start up fail beep when trying to plug into computer or put it on a batt.  It won't let me connect to MP either so I can't erase the eeprom...

  • I've calibrated the quad's radio, using a dragonlink setup. It receives ppm values fine.

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