pixhawk2.1 and f450 frame basic question.


I am using the F450 frame.

I am not familiar with electronical engineering stuff.

I want to connect the px4 flow and lidar lite v3 for indoor flying.

I try to connect my lidar lite v3 to pixhawk2.1 follwing ardupilot doc.

My understand is right

However for the power, even if pixhawk2.1 get the power from battery, they do not have any power 

in the pin. So If I want to use the pwm wiring I need BEC and give power to servo rail.If I want to wire i2c I also need BEC. (If I am wrong please point out I also read that some of people just connect the i2c port directly, it sounds like that i2c has power like telemetry port)

My question is how do I connect F450 frame to bec(not a esc BEC) to give power for my sensor? One of the forum people recommend Y harness. If I use it which pin should I connect it to give power on auxout pin?

I read the ardupilot document, I can't get it.

Also which BEC should I buy it for my lidar lite v3?

Thank you.


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