Placement of APM 2.5+ Question (Plane)

Happy New Year!

Question: I have built a 1520mm Target Drone


As you can see in the seventh picture, it has a belly hatch that is secured at the corners by four pairs of magnets.

I'm finding for wiring layout, access and CG reasons that the ideal placement for the APM is on the inside of this belly hatch, as if it were an avionics tray.

However, I'm concerned that the magnetic fields will interfere with the gyros and magnetometer of the APM, at the least, and with the electronics in general.

Is this a reasonable suspicion? Or do I have nothing to be concerned about.

PS. The APM has an external GPS that I'm mounting at the ceiling of the bay, so it is away from the magnets.

Thanks for your responses in advance.


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  • Hi Bill

    Is it an APM 2.6? If it is then the external GPS also has the Magnetometer in it so should be a good distance from the magnets. The rest of the the electronics will be fine with the magnets.

    regards, Paul

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