Planning to buy Arducopter Hexa 3DR


This is my first post & I am planning to buy Arducopter Hexa 3DR kit. I have no exposure to multis or Helis. I am experienced with airplanes & radio programming. I wanted to know following.

  1. How difficult is the build?
  2. How easy it is to learn to fly? Is it better to go quad route for learning?
  3. How difficult is mission planning, RTL, position hold etc.?


Joshi Dharmesh

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  • Joshi

    1. Easy...

    2. Little more difficult but easier than helis.  I have quads and a hex, BIG helis and fixed wing UAV's.  I would start with quad first to keep costs down.  You can get a good frame from Rusty at AGL hobbies and pair it with an APM2 and DIY store big motors and ESC's for good results, this will allow you to go from quad to hex with just the addition of the extra parts, AGL frames are drilled for multi arms, I'm not sure if 3DR kits have this ability, thats why I recommend..

    3. A bit more difficult to tune for good missions, RTL, and holds, but very fun and educational.  Well worth it in my opinion for the price and you can get great results in time.

    Also, I do recommend good apc SF props, the cheapos have some limitations in my opinion that can get in the way of success.


  • 3D Robotics

    1) The build is easy, but there's an afternoon's worth of soldering to connect the motors, ESC and power distribution board. If you've soldered a Deans connector before, you'll know the drill. But six motors are a lot of wires.

    2) Quads are a bit easier to get right

    3) That's pretty easy. If you get a 3DR Quad it should work right out of the box. 

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