Please Help - IMU and Motor Balance Mismatch WARN

Hi Everyone; I posted this message on "Discuss Ardupilot" as well; posting here too to see if I can get more feedback.

For a couple of months now, I've been almost always getting IMU Mismatch WARN and Motor Balance Mismatch WARN in the log auto-analysis.
The aircraft is a DJI S1000+, with genuine 3DR Pixhawk,AC 3.5.0, MP 1.3.49, with 60+ flights and basically no major issues; I recently changed the gimbal with a heftier one: I then performed a new auto-tune (AGGR 0.07; Roll and Pitch axes "unlocked", Rate Roll and Pitch Filt 10 Hz). Still getting those warnings; so I customized some parameters (INS_STILL_THRESH 2.75; INS_USE 1; INS_ACC_BODYFIX 1; INS_ACCEL_FILTER 18; ARMING_ACCTHRESH 0.75) and obviously performed new accel and compass cals: still getting the warnings.
Attached log of today's flight: for the little I know I examined it, but for the life of me cannot see anything that can hint narrowing down the problem - wind was 10-15 kmh (gusts up to 20 knh), and the drone flew acceptably well (at least to me) and I could not see anything particularly weird or alarming.!1xMHHIBB!RpwgF-6eSwanD1LK5HSf_gvoZf1bdeFaRTqzA7dnUNk2

I'd appreciate any feedback/input, especially if I can basically ignore the warnings, or if it's actually something to worry about.
Thanks for any help.

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