Hello. New around here :)
Trying to get my tricopter going again. I had a paris 4.0 multiwii board on there but there was a really bad soldering job done to it which gave me intermittent problems. My friend traded back the board for a APM 1280 and oil pan. So throttle, elevator and aileron show in APM setup. But rudder won't move at all. I even hooked up a servo to channel 4 and my transmitter moved it.
It's a dragonlink (new receiver) on a Fly Sky TH9X. I would really appreciate any suggestions. I'm using APM Planner and the newest tricopter firmware (2.2). Thank you!
Oh and I have the board powered by a ubec on channel 7.
Are you able to enter the CLI mode in the Planner? Or you could try Arduino if you're comfortable with that.
Open the terminal and hit enter 3 times to get the CLI. Enter setup to get to the setup menu, enter radio and move all your controls to their extremes. The exit and go to test menu. from there test 'radio' and you should see output.