new aux implementation made my old code obsolete.
I wish to move a servo on chX where X is 6to8,
chX is NOT connected to radio so I can't calibrate it with calibration routine, I use parameter with gcs to set min and max.
without library I was using this line in set_Servos:
APM_RC.OutputCh(CH_X, Xvalue);
now I cant so...
I added this line in RC_Channel_aux.h to have my own function
k_myXfunction 10
than in set_servo I changed my old
APM_RC.OutputCh(CH_X, Xvalue);
g_rc_function[RC_Channel_aux::myXfunction]->servo_out =Xvalue
just before the g.rc_5.output_ch(CH_5);
where the hell I'm doing wrong, output is zero whatever is Xvalue
Did you get this solved? I'm trying to do the same thing.