The .kml file below is from a flight on 02/06/12.  This flight resulted in excellent photo coverage.  

(No magnetometer,  firmware version ArduPlane V2.28)


Here is the mosaic stitched by PTGui of the 02/06/12 flight


We flew the same WP file, at the same site, with the same aircraft, under similar weather conditions, on 04/25/12 and got this .kml.


The flight path was not very good.  The plane circled around several WPs, turned the wrong way a number of times, made some unnecessary heading changes, but flew fairly straight legs. 

The differences between the flights are:

Added the magnetometer to the APM1 board and uploaded ArduPlane V2.33.

After uploading V2.33 via Mission Planner, reset, radio calibration, flight modes, set hardware options to Enable Compass, Enable Airspeed, I entered the declination for San Diego (12.9) then checked Auto Dec., and rotated the airframe through 360 degrees, then finished the configuration.

After takeoff, we verified initial PIDs with a FBW_A flight segment.  Then we flew a wide, full circle so the magnetometer could calibrate.

Here is the .param file of the 02/06/12 (good) flight:  02-06-12 .param

Here is the .log file from that flight:  02-06-12.tlog

Here is the .param file of the 04/25/12 (bad) flight:  04-25-12 .param

Here is the .log file from that flight:  04-25-12.log

BTW: here are the Compass values from the 04-25-12 .param file.  They don't seem to make much sense.  The local declination is 12.9 not .225.  What do the offset values mean?


Another BTW:  I entered the .gpx file into the palentier.jar application and found that the data captured for a timeslot included:  

Longitude:  -117.2334

Latitude:  33.07738

Time:  1335375664001   (GMT seconds)

Compass EMPTY -  NO DATA

Elevation:  164.08

Date:  2012:04:25 10:41:04:07:00

None of the time slots I check had any Compass data.

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  • Developer

    The best way to calibrate the mag is to use a log. so and i think your mag offsets will change a fair bit by using a log.

    so a few data points

    1. calibrate the mag using the log of this flight.

    2. when you do a manual calibration, autolearning is turned off. so your fbwa stuff wouldn't have done anything.

    3. im not sure what you mean by the no compass data, can you post the gpx?

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