Hi All,
I have just upgraded to mission planner 1.3.6 build 1.1.5306.14681 and I can not get the compass calibration to work. I am building a new copter and this is a show stopper for me since you can't arm without compass calibration (quite sensibly! )
I just tried on my old copter which used to calibrate fine and its not possible there too ... can you help?
Please see attached screenshot for error details.
PC is running Windows 8.1
Same problem here. Also, I cannon arm the APM any more. "Error: Arm message rejected by MAV"
Exception Details:
Exception Details
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException
at System Collections .Genenc.List'1.getItem(lnt32 index)
at Mission Planner.MagCalib.prd_DoWork(Object sender, ProgressWorkerEventArgs e. Object
passdata) in c:\Users\hog\Documents\Visual Studio 201 0\Projects\ArdupilotMega\ArdupilotMega\MagCalib.cs:line
at MissionPlanner.ControIs.ProgressReporterDialogue.RunBackgroundOperation(Object
o)in c:\Users\hog\Documents\Visual Studio 201 0\ProjectsArdupilotMega\ArdupilotMega\ExtLibs\Controls\ProgressReporterDialogue.cs:line
Please describe the symptoms of not being able to calibrate the compass with MP 1.3.6.
Have you made sure COMPASS_EXTERNAL is set to 1 and COMPASS_PRIMARY is set to 0 (External)?
TCIII ArduRover2 Developer
Tom, COMPASS_PRIMARY only exists as a parameter in trunk, not in the earlier versions of the code
You are right. I am using a beta 2 version of ArduRover2 v2.46.
TCIII ArduRover2 Developer