possible bug in NG code

My arducopter has fallen out of the sky a couple of times today. I tought it was bad connections, so i replaced them.


But when i started testing again i found that if i move the trottle stick fast it disarms. The arm-led stops blinking and the engines stop. Any one know what might be wrong???????

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  • "It's not a bug, it's a feature".

    Indeed in the NG code there is this line in ArduUser.h:

    #define SAFETY_MAX_THROTTLE_INCREASE 100  // how much of jump in throttle (within a single cycle, 5ms)  will cause motors to disarm


    So if your Throttle increase more than 100 (I think it is about 1/10th of the full range) in less than 5ms, your motors will disarm. I'm not sure why this was implemented, but if it's disturbing you, you should increase SAFETY_MAX_THROTTLE_INCREASE  in the code and reload it into your board.

  • fast in which direction?

    did you accidently yaw to the left and pulled throttle stick down? then it disarms

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