Power Disro Board 3dr kit

I have built my kit recently and have found that I am not getting the 5v power out of PCB. I checked all of the 12v connections from each connection by plugging in a battery and the checking each terminal all being fin but on the 5v side its not working. any ideas?


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  • Futher info has come to light. I am using a turnigy 25 amp esc that requires

    【 Setting Throttle Range】
    1. Disconnect the throttle lead from the receiver.
    2. Apply Power to ESC.
    3. Full Throttle
    4. Connect the Throttle lead to the receiver.
    5. One Beep sound.
    6. Minimum Throttle.
    7. Another Beep sound.

    For some reason I can set just fine as long as IMU/APM are not in the mix. I have tested this with a different esc and all works fine. it looks like a code issue. Once I disconnect LIPO I have to do this all again without the IMU in place.


    Above is the ESC.

  • Moderator

    The five volts comes from your ESC, do you have an ESC plugged into the board? Is it working?

    Move one of the ESC cables from the PDB direct to the APM. Just pick any one of the ESCs, by number (#3 is the front arm, #4 is the back arm, etc) and unplug the servo cable on the ESC from the PDB. Then attach it to the proper set of pins on the APM (#1 is the first vertical row on the right, when looking at the rear of the APM, #2, is the next set of three vertical pins from the right, and so on)


    When you connect the servo cable, make sure that the black cable is on the bottom and the red is in the middle. 


    See if that powers up your board. If that does not power up your board, then something is wrong from the ESC or backwards, and it might not be the PDB at all.


    I could keep going, but that is a good start, let the forum know what you find by doing that first.

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21 hours ago