Power Distribution Board Help (Rev.C)

I just received my arducopter in the mail and I was reading the manual on how to solder up the distribution board. The instructions are for Rev. B, which has a lot less holes and it is confusing where to solder the jumpers for the 12 gauge wire and the 24 gauge wire. Anyone know if the manual will be updated with the new Rev C? Or anyone have a pic of their solder job on Rev C?

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  • I just noticed the wiki has been updated to reflect the changes of the Rev C.

    There is a "photo gallery" and a even a PDF that explains where to solders the cables and how to plug RX and APM to the board
  • Developer
    Correct, no need to have 18/20 AWG jumper wires with Rev.C PCB due it is double sided PCB so all Ground planes are connected. You only need to include small amount of solder on bottom layer to make it strong enough to handle all currents that motors might need.

    Here are few more pictures of how to connect other wires between APM-Receiver, APM-PowerPCB

    General picture of cables etc:

    Receiver cables

    "Front" view of pins..

    WOOO cable from PowerPCB goes to OUT0-3 signal pins in APM
    RB wire from PowerPCB goes to OUT0 +5/GND pins (it can be any channel if needed, all +5 / GND pins are same on APM)

    WOOOYY cable goes to APM IN0-5 pins and other end goes to Receiver channels 1-6. Order on Receiver end depends on Receivers but most of the time they are in same order like in APM.
    2pin-2pin RB wire goes between APM +5/GND pins and Receiver +5/GND pins. BE CAREFUL WITH THIS... Make sure that Black cable is always on outmost pin

    Also because different Receivers are naturally different, check from your manual if Signal pin is on TOP most pins or Lower pins just to be sure.. Usually signal is on TOP most pins.

    More will be on wiki soon.
  • Developer
    We are working on creating new instructions for Rev.C. Wiki should be updated in matter of day or so but here is picture to give some first aid for it.

    Top side:
    - you need to place 4 x 3pin 90° connector

    - place red / black (small) wire to one ESC power output eg GND and +5V
    - place w,o,o,o wires on ESC signal pins
    - place 12 AWG red / black wire to those bigger holes to feed battery power to board.
  • Ditto.

    I know this is suppose to be DIY, but I'm a little lost because my Power Distribution Bag (Bag #3) only came with 12 AWC wire. Am I suppose to have 24 AWC as well? Is this something I can pick up from radio shack?

    Thanks in advance!
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