Powering up one motor at a time?

Hello friends!

I have my motors all wired up and bolted onto my frame. The problem is when I spin them up I get some pretty nasty vibrations especially at about half throttle.

To remedy this issue I plan on using a vibration app and a cable tie to pin point the bad motor and then add some metallic tap to the light side until the vibrations let up.

To get a clean reading I need to run one motor at a time. Is there a trick to doing this? I don't want to unplug my servo connections in case it might damage the ESCs.

All the information will be going into my Quadcopter build blog post part two. See part one here.

Best regards!

Jethro Hazelhurst.

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  • The short answer for anyone with a similar problem is, yes, this is perfectly safe!

  • I would like to tune my questions a bit. Is it safe to unplug 3 ESC servo connections from the pixhawk and run one motor at a time even though power would be connected to the ESCs??

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