OK, so I am the complete empty bottle on this subject, but I want to pose this question to get an idea of how stupid it is...

I want to run the LV-EZ0 on my APM1 (Arduplane) as well as the pitot-static, so I thought it might be nice to plug the LV's  PWM output directly into one of the servo channels.  This doesn't appear to work without software mods as the frame rate on the LV is 50ms and the servos are 20ms.  Also the max and min PWM limits for a valid signal are likely to be upsetting things, at least according to my reading of the source code.

The question (to those who are familar with the PPM codebase) is, can this be done without major code surgery, or is a novice like me onto a loser for even dreaming about this?

The second question is, if the device is set to run PPM mode, do all the other channels get ignored?

The third question is, could one of these inputs (6-8) be used to measure and report motor/propellor speed?  I have extracted a lovely 33% TTL signal out of one of my ESCs.


Thanks in advance for any comment!

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  • OK, so this bear of little brain is beginning to understand the architecture of this thing.

    I understand that the only comms between the PPM encoder and the main uC is the PPM output stream.  Hence the concept of PPM pass-thru.

    If I want to use a PPM input for channels 1-5 and add additional signals, I will have to interpret the input PPM stream, add my extra channels and then export it to the main uC as a new PPM stream (via pin 13)

    It might be easier in the beginning to use PWM inputs for all channels...?

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