PPM Input APM2


I noticed on the PPM input Wiki for APM2, comments indicated that the suggested configuration with the jumper on the bottom of the board did not work. In fact, the commenters stated that the same approach as used on the APM1 does work.

Can anyone give a definitive answer as to what config works. I tried the "official" config and was not successful.



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  • Ok. I can absolutely confirm that the APM1 configuration for PPM works. Don't waste your time with the "official" APM2 version on Wiki. Someone needs to correct Wiki or fix hardware to conform to Wiki. I suspect the former will be easier. Plus, you avoid soldering.



  • I tried all of them last week and the only thing that worked for CPPM was doing it the same as the APM1. Also if your using a FrSky receiver make sure you bind it before you install the jumper on it.

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