


Now I've Coded to read the PPM and tested, it's working fine! That means you only need one channel to read all the RC input so you have more 4 channels to play with!


In my case I'm going to use those available channels to read battery and airspeed! Nice!


The code is attached. I don't Know if it works for other receivers but for the FP-R127DF works fine!




Have anybody already coded the PPM input reading in the UAV Dev Board 2?

I've just started changing the PIC PWM parameters but I was wondering if anybody have already done that for me.

I hacked my futaba receptor on monday and I took some pictures of the signal. The component the demux the signal is the Dual 4-bit static shift register BU4015B / BU4015BF and the PPM signal comes in the clock pin. 

My receiver is 7ch but  only use 6, so I've cutted the 7th channel line and sniffed the clock pin in the 7th channel pin.

The picture of the signal is bellow, there was a post in wikipedia that explained everithing about PPM but I coundn't find it again. But I know that the signal goes from 0.5ms to 1.5ms in low logical state and there's a sync period in the end.

Any help is appreciated!




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  • Developer
    Just to confirm that Carlito's code, with additions from Matt (Crashmatt) and Ben Levitt are now in the repository of MatrixPilot Trunk. So MatrixPilot now supports PPM inputs (this PPM board is tested) , releasing 2 of the original PWM inputs for general I/O; for example battery monitoring.

    Many thanks Carlito.
  • Developer
    I don't have a document ready to hand on how to make a patch. I did a video on using Tortoise SVN, and you should probably watch that (about 5 minutes), and then you should install Tortoise SVN as a preparation.

    I will try to write to you later tomorrow or Monday with more details on how best create the patch.
    In overview you will need to:
    1. Install Tortoise SVN
    2. Download the MatrixPilot repository using Tortoise SVN
    3. Copy your version of MatrixPilot (all our files) into the correct directory of the repository on your machine.
    That will be somewhere like ....\gentlenav\tags\MatrixPilot_2_5_1
    4. Tortoise SVN will then highlight all the files that you have changed and show them in Red in MS File Explorer windows.
    5. In File Explorer, hover your mouse over this directiory:- ....\gentlenav\tags\MatrixPilot_2_5_1
    and right click on your mouse and select .... Tortoise SVN / create patch
    That will then show you the files that will be changed, and let you save the patch to the filename of your choice.

    There is one catch with the above. The patch will contain all of your options.h changes. So really you need to keep the original options.h, and just change it with the lines that define PPM usage. Then re-do the patch using the clean options.h with the one change for PPM.

    That is rather a short explanation, but you may like to try that before I write further. Best wishes, Pete
  • fairly good reference on the subject here


    there is also a thread on RC groups but i can't find it, i left a post there in the hopes someone will link it so it could be added here too.
  • Ok, Now I've Changed the code to read the PPM signal in the channel 4! Now We're able to read two Analogic signals on channel 1 and channel 2!
  • Developer
    As far as I know, no one has coded PPM input for the UAV Devboard (or the UDB servo-interface by Matt).
    Sounds like super work. Thanks for publishing. It would be super to push your work to a temporary branch of MatrixPilot Trunk, and also to republish it as a patch, to make it easy for people to apply to MatrixPilot2.5.1 retrospectively. (If you've not done patches before, then I would be happy to advise you on how that is done.). Best wishes, Pete
  • Actually each servo pulse should be between 1.0 and 2.0 ms nominal, expect down to 0.8 and up to 2.2ms. The servos also expect positive pulses, rather than negative ie their signal pin goes high for between 0.8ms and 2.2ms then goes low for the remainder of the frame time. Maximum frame rate is 60Hz, minimum is 40Hz, nominally 50Hz for a frame time of 20ms, outside of this range expect the servos to not perform to specifications, in other words they may become slow and/or jittery and not produce the speed or torque specified. These are the accepted R/C servo specifications, your mileage will vary.
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