PPM mixed up channels

I wondered if anyone could enlighten me what is going on here.

When I plug in my APM 2.5, 3.01 to my Rx using PPM the channels are mixed up... ie the Throttle =Roll,

Yaw=Yaw, Pitch=Throttle, Ail=Pitch  the switches are fine.

Everything works the way it should when plugged in PWM, the channel mixup only happens when using (trying to use ) PPM.

I have reloaded PPM encoder firmware, used different TXs and Rxs etc to no avail.( same thing happens)

Tx radios I have are Graupner Mc32 and Jr 9x with dragon link V2

I fly Mode 2. 

Thanks in advance.

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  • Developer
    When using PPM the channel order matters, as you gave found. APM2.5 uses the AETR sequence as standard. That's Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, Rudder. What mode Transmitter and make do you have? In the new firmwares you can remap the channels in APM, but there are some things to be cautious of.
    • Can you please continue on this topic. I am using an APM 2.8 with an AR7700 and a DX9 mode 2. I have remapped to the point where everything works...in a hover. I had to make changes in radio to get the correct switching for flight mode and also in the parameters some changes in values on yaw and roll channels to keep it from going hard right. I am concerned about Failsafe and when I try other flight modes as to what may happen

      • I have the same issue as you describe. I have changed the channel order but the drone needs heavily trimmed to the left to stop it rolling on take off.

        I am using a DX8 AR7700 and APM 2.6

        • I had the same problem also. What I found was I had to also change the values in RC1_Trim and RC2_Trim (switch them to 1499 and 920 respectively).

          • Thanks Dave,

            I'll give that a try.

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