ppm only works if 1,2,3,8ch connected. other gone

Guys this is amazing.


radio test firmware to show realtime radio data:

it only start to works if I connect 1,2,3 and 8 ch, if I disconnect one of them it stop working completely (shows 900-1 as values for ch3 and ch8, 15001-2 others).

If I add channels it does not read them (stuck on 1501-2)

Tried other rxs, other cables, finally I checked all the cable output with servos to be sure that signal was present. ardupilot and arducopter firmwares in setup radio does the same.

This happened without advice, this morning all was ok. esc is giving 5.25V but always used that.

is there some values inside ppm chip written by the apm? like failsafe throttle value or 8ch..I don't know, where I can find some infos? I'm desperate, thanks to anyone who help.


ps: I loaded arducopter firmware made a radio setup with rc connected as it was for the ardupilot so ch8 was there. this was the moment where problems with ppm started, before the arducopter upload all was working.

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  • Found the issue:

    I reloaded the ardupilot for planes and made the first setup procedure, it resetes the problem.

    please note that I tried before the first setup with the arducopter firmware at least 3 times.

    I bounced between arducopter firmware and radio test firmware 5 times making first setup and manual erasing of eeprom and logs.

    Can someone please explain how the apm sorks with ppm? I lost completely control of my plane. could this be related to the use of ch5 in ardupilot for my purpose? I made it able to store the ch6 trim in eeprom using the code inside it.

    ppm is not so safe as expected, I also lost control of my plane I wasnt able to back in manual mode, maybe also related to this?

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