Pre-fetching map tiles bug?

I have a problem similar to this one.

I think the trouble is interrupting the caching of tiles with escape character. Maps appear fuzzy or blured, sometimes they won't even load at all and get the 503 server not available in place of the tile.

I have the Mission Planner loaded on my desktop and a Toughbook CF-18 I plan to use for a ground station when my quad arrives. Yep total newb. When I prefetched maps for the Toughbook it was grabbing thousands of tiles to like the 25th zoom level so I hit escape. The problem the surfaced.

So on the desktop I selected a very small area and let it complete the prefetch. Everything seemed to work great. Grabbing another area to prefetch and I esacped an now the trouble is on the desktop also.

Uninstall on the laptop and reinstall did not seem to resolve the issue. This seems to be an issue with Google maps only. Or maybe what map data set you choose to cache from. Blurry map with Google map set shows blurry, but click over and use Bing and it's clear as a bell.

On the laptop I tried the reload and I tried deleting the folder gmapcache.

Like I said total newb but I've been playing with the MP for a couple weeks and think it's about as cool as it gets. 

Thanks in advance for any help.

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  • Uninstalled the mission planner, then deleted the mission planner folder, reinstalled and would not let it update when asked. So far so good. Not deleting the folder left the gmapcache folder I think caused it on the first reload. :-)

  • Ravi if you switch to a different map set does it clear up?

  • i face same problem with some tiles. they just will not go to higher reolution and keep displaying in very low resolutions.

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