Throttle Warning and Throttle Too High

hi guys,

I'm a complete beginner with drones, so please forgive me for my basic questions.

But I've been given a project to connect an intel nuc to a dji-s900.  Everything seems to work well, except that when I try to connect using mavproxy: --master=/dev/ttyUSB0 --baudrate 1500000 --aircraft Rex

I get the following output:

Using MAVLink 1.0
Using MAVLink 1.0
Connect /dev/ttyUSB0 source_system=255
Running script (/home/user/.mavinit.scr)
Running script /home/user/.mavinit.scr
-> module load droneapi.module.api
DroneAPI loaded
Loaded module droneapi.module.api
no script Rex/mavinit.scr
Log Directory: Rex/logs/2017-11-29/flight1
Telemetry log: Rex/logs/2017-11-29/flight1/flight.tlog
MAV> Waiting for heartbeat from /dev/ttyUSB0
online system 1
fence breach
GPS lock at 0 meters
APM: APM:Copter V3.5.4 (284349c3)
APM: PX4: 0384802e NuttX: 1bcae90b
APM: Frame: HEXA
APM: PX4v3 00360036 3036510C 31353833
Received 773 parameters
Saved 773 parameters to Rex/logs/2017-11-29/flight1/mav.parm

I've used Mission Planner to calibrate the RC as shown here:

Now, when I type "arm throttle" at the prompt, nothing happens.  I get the message:

STABILIZE> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command: 400, result: 0}

but there is no action and confirmation.  It only says:

APM: Throttle Too High

One thing that might be related is that every time I turn on the RC, there is a Throttle Warning.  I have to place the throttle all the way down for the warning to disappear.

Any ideas/tips on how to fix that? Any resources and help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • *EDIT*

    I was able to overcome my initial problem.  But now I'm faced with a new error message.  I've updated the first post to indicate my current issue.

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