Preliminary crash report APM2.5 running 3.0 rc3

I've been flying this hexacopter for the last week with no issues. Last night I was flying in stabilize mode fairly aggressively. I think I've experienced a similar failure to some other crash reports I've read. While flying at a good rate of speed the control of hexacopter suddenly became erratic. At the same time the sound of the Hexa completely changed. The prop sound went from what I had become familiar as normal to and almost grinding sound. I was able to control the copter enough to reverse its direction of travel but control was primarily lost. At this point I killed the props to prevent a flyaway.

As soon as I retrieve the copter from it's resting point (50' up in a giant fir tree) I'll download the log and see what happened. I'll post the log file at that time.

Interestingly it was flying perfectly before this and had flown well for the last week. Props were tight but I'll confirm this when I retrieve the unit.



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  • Bump, can I use the newer 880k motors listed on the 3D site as singular replacements for older style (silver and gold) motors I received when I bought the Hexa from DIY?

  • Looks like I lost a motor as well. 880k motors I have are from the original hexacopter kit. Can I use the 880K motors listed at the 3drobotics store as a replacement for one motor?

  • It looks like I experienced a brownout. 3692732340?profile=original

  • Here's the log file:

    Props were tight.

    2013-06-01 09-00 3.log

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