Problem Connecting to Mission Planner

New Iris+.  I've been having a difficult time connecting to Mission Planner (1.3.10 build 1.1.5369.11976) on my Windows 8 desktop.  Had similar problems w/ v.1.3.9, so I just uninstalled and re-installed 1.3.10.  I'm using the Auto 115200 setting to connect.  Mission planner continually (both versions) goes into a non-responsive status.  In the .9 versrion, I would actually have to end the task through Windows.  Now in the .10, it does eventually come back w/ a "Timeout waiting for autoscan/no mavlink device connected" message. 

In Windows device manager is shows the PX4 on COM3.  It shows a Bits per second setting of 9600.  Is that supposed to match the 115200 port speed setting in MP?

Am I missing something obvious? 

I've been having bad luck in general w/ all of the planner/control station software and devices I use.  I've used multiple applications (APM Planner, Mission Planner, Droid Planner), multiple devices (Windows  desktop, Macbook, Android) and even multiple radios to try and troubleshoot.

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  • USB connection in Devise Manager should have baud set to 115200.

  • 3DR support helped me on this one.  Turns out my NetID was not set correctly.  Changed it to 25 per this article, and I was back in business from both my Android devices.

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