I found my first difficulty of my project when I found the uBlox module's baud rate was set to 9600, while the arduIMU wanted to talk at 38400. Well, after what I thought was an exhaustive google mining of arduIMU documentation (I'm having a hard time finding some solid instructions and build notes on this), I decided to just download a copy of the firmware, edit a few lines to change the baud rate to better suit the GPS, and upload the new code via the Arduino IDE onto the IMU.
This really screwed things up. First of all, I didn't know which board to choose when uploading the new firmware, so I just switched between the ATmega328 options Duemilanove and Arduino Pro. Interestingly, the first time I tried to update the board, I had to continually switch between these two modes to successfully complete an upload. Secondly, now when I run the arduIMU test program, the output is a swirling cube/plane that yields to almost no physical controls (it does have a slight wobble when I shake the IMU).
After doing a little more research once I had given up on fixing the IMU and begun work on the GPS, I found it was much easier to fix the baud rate on the GPS. D'oh.
Anyway, can anyone help me fix my IMU? Here's a screen shot of the demo software going nuts:
As you can see, I'm running v. 1.5. Also, my board is a v2 (flat).
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There are a few #define statements near the beginning of the main file with user parameters. They are documented in the code. Choose your correct hardware (flat board is v2), Pick which messages you want to print. Set PRINT_BINARY to 0 unless you want the binary messages, and make sure the magnetometer and abosolute pressure sensor are not enabled. Also make sure you have ENABLE_AIRSTART set to 0.
The bad behaviour you have had is probably due to enabling air start....
Here is the link for arduIMU code version 1.7>>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/ardu-imu/downloads/list
Then click on ArduIMU_1.7.zip