Ok. This is what I have setup. I have the arduIMU v2, the ftdi cable, and the newest ublox from the diy drones store. After I hook the gps up with the cable to the arduIMU and then power it all with the ftdi cable, then I run the labview and the utility, but the program will not find my arduIMU. I type in the right com port but nothing happens. Does the serial ports baud setting have to be the same as the gps and the same as the arduIMU board? I tried that but still no reading. Do I have to have a gps lock for the arduIMU program to read my arduIMU? 

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  • Hey Taylor,
    Thanks for posting the reason why the IMU wasn't working because I've been sctraching my head wondering why the Labview utility wouldn't work as well. As soon as I set the "PRINT_BINARY SET" back to 0 it worked perfect.
  • The ArduIMU should work fine without the GPS connected. I'd try getting that going first.

    Yes, the GPS baud rate and the ArduIMU baud rate need to match for them to work together. But the GPS is really only providing heading information to the ArduIMU. You should see normal pitch and roll data in your labview app.

    Did you load any code onto the ArduIMU?

    Can you see anything coming across in the serial monitor of the Arduino IDE?

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