This is my first discussion and would like to thank everyone for the helpful discussions it have helped me tremendously so far. But I now have come to a dead end.

Please can someone steer me in a direction I am sure that I miss something simple here.

I am setting up my second AP using Shield V2 IMU V2 Flat and EM406, Ardupilot 2.7.1 latest IMU 1.7 latest. Do use telemetry but not coupled at this stage

GPS in SIRF mode led dim

Just to test I have excluded the IMU and plugged the EM406 into the Shield. Locked with in 5 min.

Tested the IMU with demo (HK) the IMU performed correct.

When I hooked up the IMU to the AP I get the instillation of led’s stopping with orange and green on

The blue GPS light flashing as to indicate waiting for GPS Lock.

Other information: AP modified as per the manual to use channel 4 as a rudder channel checked and rechecked all solder joints.

Header pin 13 not soldered in

Configuration Header File as follows:

 // Debug options - set only one of these options to 1 at a time, set the others to 0

#define DEBUG_SUBSYSTEM 0                  // 0 = no debug

#define POSITION_1 MANUAL // the default, don't bother changing.




#define SHIELD_VERSION            1                              // Old (red) shield versions is 0, the new (blue) shield version is 1, -1 = no shield

#define AIRSPEED_SENSOR  1                    // (boolean) Do you have an airspeed sensor attached? 1= yes, 0 = no.

#define GPS_PROTOCOL              3                              // 0 = NMEA

                                                                                                                                // 1 = SIRF,

                                                                                                                                // 2 = uBlox

                                                                                                                                // 3 = ArduIMU

                                                                                                                                // 4 = MediaTek,

                                                                                                                                // 5 = Simulated GPS mode (Debug),

                                                                                                                                // -1 = no GPS

//Ground Control Station:

#define GCS_PROTOCOL              0                              // 0 = Standard ArduPilot (LabVIEW/HappyKillmore),

//Thermopile sensors:

#define ENABLE_Z_SENSOR 0                    // 0 = no Z sensor, 1 = use Z sensor (no Z requires field calibration with each flight)

#define XY_SENSOR_LOCATION 0            // XY Thermopiles Sensor placement

                                                                                                                                // Mounted right side up:            0 = cable in front, 1 = cable behind

                                                                                                                                // Mounted upside down:           2 = cable in front, 3 = cable behind

#define PITCH_TRIM 0                                  // deg * 100 : allows you to offset bad IR sensor placement

#define ROLL_TRIM 0                                                    // deg * 100 : allows you to offset bad IR sensor placement

#define AOA 0                                                                  // deg * 100 : the angle your plane flies at level - use the IMU to find this value.

#define ALT_EST_GAIN .01                         // the gain of the altitude estimation function, lower number = slower error correction and smoother output


#define BATTERY_EVENT 0                          // (boolean) 0 = don't read battery, 1 = read battery voltage (only if you have it wired up!)

#define INPUT_VOLTAGE 5200.0              // (Millivolts) voltage your power regulator is feeding your ArduPilot to have an accurate pressure and battery level readings. (you need a multimeter to measure and set this of course)


#define THROTTLE_PIN 11                                           // pin 13, or pin 11 only (13 was old default, 11 is a better choice for most people)

#define RADIO_TYPE 0                                  // 0 = sequential PWM pulses, 1 = simultaneous PWM pulses

#define CH1_MIN 1000                                                 // (Microseconds) Range of Ailerons/ Rudder

#define CH1_MAX 2000                                                // (Microseconds)

#define CH2_MIN 1000                                                 // (Microseconds) Range of Elevator

#define CH2_MAX 2000                                                // (Microseconds)

#define CH3_MIN 1000                                                 // (Microseconds) Range of Throttle  - Important - please use debug mode to find your PWM values and set them here.

#define CH3_MAX 2000                                                // (Microseconds)

#define CH4_MIN 1000                                                 // (Microseconds) Range of Rudder

#define CH4_MAX 2000                                                // (Microseconds)

#define ADVERSE_ROLL 0.2                         // adverse roll correction based on Aileron input

#define CH4_RUDDER 1                                                // 1 = Use CH4 for rudder, 0 = use CH4 for something else - like an egg drop.

IMU Configuration

// *** NOTE!   Hardware version - Can be used for v1 (daughterboards) or v2 (flat)

#define BOARD_VERSION 2 // 1 For V1 and 2 for V2

// Ublox gps is recommended!

#define GPS_PROTOCOL 2    // 1 - NMEA,  2 - EM406,  3 - Ublox, 4 -- MediaTek 

// Enable Air Start uses Remove Before Fly flag - connection to pin 6 on ArduPilot

#define ENABLE_AIR_START 0  //  1 if using airstart/groundstart signaling, 0 if not

#define GROUNDSTART_PIN 8    //  Pin number used for ground start signal (recommend 10 on v1 and 8 on v2 hardware)

/*Min Speed Filter for Yaw drift Correction*/

#define SPEEDFILT 2 // >1 use min speed filter for yaw drift cancellation, 0=do not use speed filter

/*For debugging propurses*/

#define PRINT_DEBUG 0   //Will print Debug messages


//OUTPUTMODE=1 will print the corrected data, 0 will print uncorrected data of the gyros (with drift), 2 will print accelerometer only data

#define OUTPUTMODE 1


#define PRINT_DCM 0     //Will print the whole direction cosine matrix

#define PRINT_ANALOGS 0 //Will print the analog raw data

#define PRINT_EULER 0   //Will print the Euler angles Roll, Pitch and Yaw

#define PRINT_GPS 1     //Will print GPS data

// *** NOTE!   To use ArduIMU with ArduPilot you must select binary output messages (change to 1 here)

#define PRINT_BINARY 1   //Will print binary message and suppress ASCII messages (above)

// *** NOTE!   Performance reporting is only supported for Ublox.  Set to 0 for others

#define PERFORMANCE_REPORTING 1  //Will include performance reports in the binary output ~ 1/2 min ((can not compile if this is 0 ))

Any suggestions


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  • I have found the problem thank you
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