Problem while running jMAVSim on Windows

GitHub Issue

I installed Cygwin v2.3.0, Apache Ant v1.9.6 and Java JDK v1.8.0u66 (8 Update 66) on Windows 10.

Ran git clone git://

Then changed"/dev/tty.usbmodem1", 230400, 8, 1, 0);

to"COM3", 115200, 8, 1, 0);

in file.

Then ran:

cd jMAVSimgit submodule initgit submodule update

Then compiled it, ran ant.

Then ran the jar file with:
java -Djava.ext.dirs= -cp lib/*;out/production/jmavsim.jar me.drton.jmavsim.Simulator
And got this error, any idea why?

Error: Could not find or load main class lib.gluegen-rt-natives-linux-amd64.jar out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 1: $'PK\003\004': command not found out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 2: $'\b\317u\207G': command not found K-*▒▒ϳR0▒3▒▒r▒Cq,HL▒HU▒%-▒▒x▒▒▒RKRSt▒*A▒-▒gMETA-INF/MANIFEST.MF▒M▒▒LK-.▒                                           ▒▒▒t▒                                                -4▒▒▒sR▒▒: No such file or directory out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 4: ▒K▒▒5y▒x▒PK: command not found out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 5:▒u▒Gme/PK: No such file or directory out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 6: $'\b\316u\207G': command not found out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 7:▒u▒Gme/drton/jmavlib/PK: No such file or directory out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 8:▒u▒Gme/drton/jmavlib/conversion/PK: No such file or directory out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 9▒u▒G▒▒▒▒V4me/drton/jmavlib/conversion/RotationConversion.class▒SMS▒P=▒▒▒XiET▒Q▒u▒▒8: No such file or directory out/production/jmavsim.jar: command substitution: line 10: syntax error near unexpected token `▒▒▒▒2▒▒▒' out/production/jmavsim.jar: command substitution: line 10: `▒q▒▒(▒▒▒▒2▒▒▒;▒ޓ{N&▒~▒      ▒1▒O"▒듸▒▒*,▒▒1|▒mY▒[n[▒#' ?▒m/y+▒!▒▒F▒▒p[: No such file or directory▒▒ out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 10: $'\225U\301\261:\314tX\275\206L': command not found out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 10: ▒▒▒@=▒▒6▒▒n▒▒Qu▒@▒~▒▒▒ё▒▒▒▒q*S: command not found out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 16: !▒▒2M▒▒▒▒▒n▒%/▒N▒в▒▒ze▒▒7: No such file or directory out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 17: $'\b\246\306': command not found out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 17: $'?u\367\270hO\036\v\314z\347\003k\275\327]\231zID': command not found out/production/jmavsim.jar: command substitution: line 18: syntax error near unexpected token `)' out/production/jmavsim.jar: command substitution: line 18: `8▒Ê▒▒▒)()▒j(▒N▒U{▒sS▒▒s▒▒▒7▒XݮW▒▒v▒s̐▒▒▒' out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 16: ▒▒D,▒M▒▒İƱؖ?▒▒{L▒ؕO!?y▒▒▒{OФ▒K▒▒▒▒▒]4▒▒QXq▒1#▒Y,: command not found out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 17: syntax error near unexpected token `)' out/production/jmavsim.jar: line 17: `▒e▒"C)▒▒8▒8▒▒▒F~▒ ▒▒▒▒▒q▒b▒▒̢▒>▒x▒;▒G$̐=▒;Aߓn▒▒▒>▒T▒▒                      ▒EP▒`8UǷ▒▒K"޴my▒,gy                                  ▒3▒7n▒T▒▒v                                            Ve▒▒▒▒!֩k▒;<og▒▒▒V▒s▒▒břɖl7{▒▒▒X▒▒n▒▒▒-R]▒Z▒▒▒▒▒JU▒▒J'▒▒!&▒8M▒+▒4▒u>▒▒▒▒▒6▒[▒▒US▒)▒R̳W5▒▒}▒)▒E

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