Problem with 3dr radio, air module cannot be reached.

It was working normaly, but i uploaded settings and changed baud rate and airspeed, i picked wrong ones, now i dont remember whitch ones, so now, thei doesnt talk to each other, when i load settings i just get them from local device, but not from air module,because it cannot connect to it. green led on air module is flashing, so it is searching for a pair... is it possible to somehow reset or change settings of air module not wirellesly? with avr programer or something? i dont have an ftdi cable... 

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  • Just got a normal RS232 usb to com cable, doesnt work, just cant upload a new firmware or load settings... as i mentioned i think it is because of strange baud rate, that you can set and apply, but it is not existing i think, and you cant connect using that one... its 111 in pic below.


  • Anyone? Please?

  • 2 solutions:

    - try different airrates (keeping baud rate constant) on ground side until you get both green LEDs solid, then, upload to air module proper config,

    - connect air module to PC using UART/USB cable and then config it properly.

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