Problem with altitude logging


While analyzing my logs I noticed that there is a quite big difference between MixAlt and GPSAlt. Is this normal or can it affect the performance of my flights? I always had a wierd problem with my platform were it sometimes wants to "kill itself" with flying into the dirt.

GPS: 29785500, 1, 10, 59.6473850, 17.6280900, 0, 128.2500, 23.0300, 0.1000, 130.2300
ATT: 346, 1516, 11337
NTUN: 113.3700, 124, 214.0700, 214.0700, 96.8100, 0.0000, 0.0000,

GPS: 30443500, 1, 8, 59.6471020, 17.6283860, 0, 124.9800, 49.3800, 0.0000, 199.9900
ATT: 2290, -3352, 4626
NTUN: 46.2600, 125, 234.8200, 234.8200, 100.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
GPS: 30443500, 1, 8, 59.6471020, 17.6283860, 0, 124.9800, 49.3800, 0.0000, 199.9900

Thankful for input. Will let me relax a bit during my auto flights since I always for the finger on the manual-trigger/switch.

Kind regards,

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  • Hmm. Last couple of flights I have not even been able to download the logs. I cleared everything before flight to be sure.Get this text when trying to "Download All Logs" in Mission Planner.

    Log number 1,   start page 92,    end page 52


    Note that end page is lower than start page. Does not seems right.

  • What is the maximum time Arduplane can log? Yesterday my plane got caught in a tree and it took four hours to get it down - using a chainsaw.

    When loading the logs I got "Bad log number" from 2 files och the working log only contained 37 minutes. All including the part where the tree fell to the ground. Approx -1.8 m/s :)

  • Hi again

    I noticed that the first couple 100 lines in the log shows a predefined GPS altitude of 137 meters. This is before I get a GPS lock.

    GPS: 29689583, 0, 6, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0, 0.0000, 137.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000
    ATT: 37, 30, 21
    NTUN: 0.2100, 0, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,

    Just when I get GPS lock both MixAlt and GPSAlt show about the same,

    GPS: 29722500, 1, 8, 59.6464580, 17.6274470, 0, 126.1400, 124.9300, 0.0100, 355.3300
    ATT: -48, -452, 34283
    NTUN: -312.5300, 1, 108.4300, 108.4300, -1.1100, 0.0000, 0.0000,

    But then a couple of seconds later when I get GPS lock MixAlt is way off (I live approx 35 meters above sea level).

    GPS: 29736750, 1, 9, 59.6473850, 17.6280210, 0, 126.0600, 34.7000, 0.0900, 242.6500
    ATT: -266, -51, 33029
    NTUN: -325.0700, 121, 210.9700, 210.9700, -1.0600, 0.0000, 0.0000,

    Any ideas?

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