Hi there,

 today i tried APM with OIL PAN installed in test airframe but didn't succeeded. As ESC i have installed this Turnigy ESC.

All checked twice (APM, Rx and ESC connection) but when i power on the system, ESC beeps 3 times (throttle stick at 100%) and after turn the throttle down to 0% nothing happens - throttle is not working.

Other channels works OK (ailerons, rudder and elevator) but throttle doesn't.

When i bridged the throttle directly from Rx to ESC, everything goes OK - throttle reacts perfectly on my stick movement.

Seems like APM gives different output signal than Rx does. I measured timing of output signal from APM and Rx (via Jeti-BOX) - the range was exactly the same but JetiBOX shows only pulse width.

In both cases the pulse width was in range 1930ms (max throttle) - 1110ms (min throttle). Despite this in configuration with APM the ESC doesn't calibrate the pulse width correcly only with Rx directly connected to ESC. 

Any idea what's wrong with this ESC or APM?

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