Hello. When configuring for 1st time the Arducopter and uploading firmware, when it gets to the question about sonar and magnetometer, it opens a web browser to a page that shows magnetic declination. (in my case 3.6 west), When I enter the value -3.6 at the input box, it assumes without error and I continue with the following steps until the end of configuration. However, when I open CLI and hit "setup" and "compass", it show -36 instead of -3.6, I then hit "declination" and enter -3.6 again and this time assumes OK. So, I believe it's something to do with the input box value in the Planner or something to do with regional settings. I'm from Portugal, so I'm using portuguese chars to separate decimals (dot) and for thousands (comma).

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  • Developer

    Well in your case even if you hit 0 you will not get any bigger problems when doing navigation missions.


    If you would do flights that goes over Atlantic ocean, instead of targeting UK you might end up on France well that would be naturally a problem. But if you are targeting "that left side of tree opposite football field" and you ending up on middle of left middle of it.. You are still inside the limits. GPS accuracy is anyways about 3-5 meters so that is already more than your error on declination.


    As long as you can stay inside full digits, you are rather safe. So if nothing else, just give either -3 or -4



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