After a Aeroquad with shield 1.8 and AeroQuad_v2.0.1, i tested for the moment the arducopter but i have a problem.......
- with the ArduCopter_superstable_New15a, when i want setting the magnétometer and the accelerometer via the "CLI mode " there's not a connection possible and there's not the state of the Green led, Yellow and Red leds are "stepping" slowly, and i can't setting the magnetometer and the accelerometer, but in the RC2 version via ARDUCOPTER , i can setting, and there's Green led , Yellow and Red leds are "stepping" slowlyin is it normal ?
- And in the pid setting for the RC2 firmware or ArduCopter_superstable_New15a, when i want use a négative values for the "D" parameter in the pid in ACCRO mode, the motors doesn't work correctly and turn briefly when i move up the throttle .
But the motors turn ok, when the parameter "D" is at 0.000. is it normal ? i think it's very curious.
Thank's for your futur respond and very Happy new Year !
My setup :
- ArduPilot Mega CPU board
- ArduPilot Mega IMU board, Rev-H
- MagnetometerDIY Drones HMC5843
- Gps MTEK GPS3329 no ok for this moment
stanby via the Fah Pah Electronics shop (not good firmware) but validate in the firmware
-Arduino 022
-ArduCopter_superstable_New15a code
-Esc RC-TIMER 20A. and setting ok
-motors : KDA20-22L/4700
-mounting in X mode with 60cm (motors to motors)