Problems with the Wookong M

I recently bought the DJI S800 along with the Wookong M and data link which brings a single waypoint. I sent the distributor my hardware ID and got a new S/N number in return. I entered it, it says activated, yet when I try use the GCS it won't connect or get a GPS lock. I've tried it in various locations. Anybody have any thoughts on what could be causing it? Any help would be appreciated. 

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  • Ryan,

    have you ever been able to obtain a GPS lock? are you using the V1 or V2 module?

  • Ryan, you're more likely to get help on the rcgroups Wookong forum.

    What do you mean no GPS lock? If you just fire up your S800, forget the GCS, do the red flashes not stop after a few minutes?
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