
Prop guards for multirotor

Does anyone know of any propeller guards that can be easily fitted to a quad/hexa.


I'm thinking an tube that on one end has a 1/4 to 1/2 semi circle and connects or straps to the motor arm.3690893093?profile=original

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  • I just put a very rudimentary propeller guard on the arducopter I'm working on. Four pieces of "L" shaped wood molding, each 13in long, tap-wrapped (or better, zip-tied) to the ends of the arms. I'm not sure how much it would protect the props during a crash, though.3692579132?profile=original

  • Hi,

    There is a similar solution for the Gaui 330x:

  • ive been using just a C shaped plastic stick wich pointed out from the arm and was about 5 cm longer than the prop outside radius. worked and saved some props. now i dont need them anymore :) btw, by removing them i got slightly longer flight times.

  • Moderator

    I was looking, just yesterday, at something the Ryerson UAV team did, posted by Madhuran Wilson, that might interest you.

    I believe he said that the foam caused the wind to impact on the flight, but there is no reason you could not use something thiner, like your drawing above, or maybe a thin CF cutout bumper or partial circle. 


    But he made this by printing the motor mounts custom. Still, I thought you'd like the photo:


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