Proper setting of altitude hold and position/loiter?

I'm running ACM 2.0.47 on a Hexa XL.  I'm new to ACM and I've gone through the online manuals, but I seem to be having trouble setting altitude hold and position modes.  I've enabled the sonar.  Here is the problem...


I switch to ALT_HOLD using a switch.  The hexa is in a hover and I try not to bump the stick as I hit the switch.  In alt hold, it typically slowly sinks to the ground.  I bump the throttle just slightly and it then starts climbing slowly.  Its almost like it isn't even on.  I've tried this at various altitudes with the same result.  Is there something I'm not setting in code or some proceedure I'm not following?


Second issue.  I'd like the hexa to hold position.  I switch to POSITION again not touching any sticks.  This one seems to hold for a second or two.  After which it drifts (to be expected), at that point it banks about 10+ degrees to correct.  At that point I switch back to STABILIZE before it flips or crashes.  How does position mode work?  Does it grab the current GPS position and use that along with the IMU data to hold point?  Is there something proceedurally I should be doing?  In the code, it looks like POSITION is the same as LOITER.  Is it?


Any clarification would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Developer

    I suggest updating to 2.0.49. Most of your issues should just go away.


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