Protective prop shrouds for first flyers?


I'm working towards that anxious time of the first flight tests! Has anyone considered (as I am) building some kind of light but strong body for the standard Arducopter, rather like the little Parrot drone has?

Just until Ive got a bit of flight experience, Id prefer not to be attacked by a flying strimmer. It would also make flying indoors a little less dangerous perhaps.

Im thinking of some composite rings made of polystyrene/ fibreglass to surround the props, securely joined to each other and to the Arducopter frame by fibreglass struts. Or alternatively four wire-mesh spheres.

Any thoughts or ideas in this area?


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  • You'll need to staple some stuff down if you try and fly a standard AC in a regular house.


    Not sure if you've ever flown rc heli before.


    I had never flown a rotor craft before, and started by reading a bunch of the "how to fly rc helicopter" links.


    Then I put a 12" x 12" x 2" piece of foam on the bottom, and slotted the AC legs into it about half-way.


    I'm pretty competent now, and only lost the top ring and 3 or 4 props in the process.  No more foam.


    I think the safest bet is to not fly the thing anywhere where a prop could contact something at high-speed.


    Good luck!  Take video!


  • This seems to be the most straightforward and easiest way that I've seen

    Good Luck with the flight!
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