PWM to 0-5v output.

Hello All,Hoping to get some help from the DIY community. This is for a UGV application, but the problem might be universalHere's the problem:1. we are using a VEX controller that puts out a PWM signal.2. we are using a 200amp DC motor controller that only takes 0-5k ohm or 0-5volts.the current solution is to have a (vex) servo turn a 0-5k pot. A bit mickey-mouse, but it works. This is a mechanical assembly we would like to get rid of and replace with something solid-state.The voltage has to stay smooth! This is what drives our UGVSo, is there anything out there that can take PWM and convert it to 0-5volts??? I did a google search and there are dozens of hits, but nothing!

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  • Chris,

    Yes they would all work. The problem is the motor controller we are using is 200-300 AMPS(!) and they are made for electric vehicles / golf carts. In an EV, you either have a pedal or a twist-throttle hooked up to a potentiometer.

    Our vehicle is around 300lbs and uses a 1hp motor.
  • 3D Robotics
    How about a brushed motor controller? Wouldn't all of these do the trick?
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