I'll admit r/c receiver technologies are still somewhat mystical to me, so I would appreciate some input.
Is the SBUS output on the OrangeRx R800X compatible with the PX4IO SBUS input? This Rx is mentioned by name so I figure I must be doing something wrong. When I connect the two SBUS ports together I get nothing, but when I pass the signal through the 3DR PPM encoder it works fine. What am I missing here?
I bought an actual Spektrum satellite receiver to see if there was some sort of issue with the OrangeRx brand. No luck. The RC inputs are just as non-responsive as before. I'm beginning to wonder if I might have a faulty PX4IO board.
Still no luck. I broke down and got a "satellite receiver" for the Spektrum port on the PX4IO, and that didn't work either. Please, someone call me stupid and tell me what I'm doing wrong!