px4flow bad i2c_frame data?

I am attempting to use the px4flow for velocity feedback to my own flight controller on a quad. All of the data is nicely accessible via a simple i2c interface which, along with purportedly good accuracy, made me want to buy it.

However upon hooking this thing up, the data I am getting is really bad. At first I thought I was reading the data incorrectly, but looking at it in the mavlink inspector in QGroundControl, it seems to be the same.

In particular the data looks badly quantized and just very inaccurate in general. I've attached a plot of the gyro_x_rate data vs. time, but the flow_comp_m_x and flow_comp_m_y data are equally bad.

I am curious if this is typically what data in the i2c_frame looks like or if I am simply doing something wrong? Obviously people have used the x,y velocity to hold position so I am wondering what I am missing, since using this data in a control loop would almost certainly cause the quad to go unstable.



Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 12.02.22 AM.png

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