Hi Droners. I've downloaded the latest (V1.0 build 4) QGroundControl which states the admonition that this uses MAVLink V1.0. AFAIK, ArduPlane uses MAVLink V0.9, as stated in libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/common/version.h, at least.I've tried to re-generate the headers using QGroundControl's "Save and Generate" feature but get the error: "The C code / headers could not be written to folder..."So, a few questions:* Is anyone using QGC V1.0?* Are you using MAVLink V1.0?* How did you update to MAVLink V1.0?* Am I barking up the wrong tree here?Thanks in advance!FM

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  • Thanks for the update, Andrew. I've got enough projects demanding my time so I'll fly with version 0.9 protocol for now. That version of MAVLink and ArduPlane (v2.24) mostly work for me anyhow, so I can go ahead with a few test flights.

  • Developer

    There are two halves to the conversion of ArduPilot to MAVLink 1.0. The first half is the change of wire protocol from the 0.9 protocol to the 1.0 protocol. I've implemented and tested this part already, and that is ready to go.

    The second half is the change in the XML files which defines the data that is sent. The new XML files are ready, but we have not yet changed the ArduPilot code to use the new message structures. I'm hoping to work on that next week.

    So for the moment ArduPilot is not ready. If you want to jump in and help then I can give you some instructions on how to build the MAVLink parser for ArduPilot with the new XML files and wire protocol.


  • I've tried using mavlinkgen: https://github.com/pixhawk/mavlinkgen

    It outputs the source and headers, but ArduPlane won't compile, throwing up a hojillion errors that I don't feel like debugging.

    I'll be putting QGC 1.0 aside for the moment go back to 0.9.0 that sort of works.
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