Quad has no power on descent

I just flew my quad with a dual battery setup using 2x Zippy compact 5000mah 3s batteries. I had my dad machine a custom plate for mounting the batteries and it works great.my only concern going into trying this setup was the extra 350g of battery weight. Unfortunately I needed ~70% throttle to takeoff so I'm not keping the setup.so when I went up to around 50 m my quad caught wind I guess after it passed the tree line and started drifting away. I tried to bring it back my direction while descending back to land at ~50% throttle I couldn't get it to move back towards me. The only way it would move is if I gave it throttle to climb. Luckily I got it safely down by throttling and moving then letting it descend over and over.I was wondering why this happened. My thoughts are that the amount of weight for a frame as small as mine (360mm) could not pitch the motors enough to get some backward movement and fly against the light draft.Anyone have insight to this?also it fly's pretty well and is maneuverable below the treeline.

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  • Was the battery weight significantly below the propeller plane? If so I think your theory about not being able to pitch May be spot on.
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