Quad makes autolanding after some minutes?

Hey all,

after months of building and waiting i finally made my first flights and i am really happy with my first quad. Everything worked fine except the following: After several minutes of flight the quad suddenly started to land (not like RTL because it landed elsewhere) and i could not do anything to avoid this. (I tried switching from Stabilize to Loiter or RTL). The landing itself was smooth and controlled but i just did not want it to land ; ). I tried to find a matching option in the apm planner but i am not sure:

- Battery Failsafe is disabled

- Failsafe is enbled with RTL (Failsafe PWM 975 - not sure what this means)

- Geo Fence enabled (Altitude, RTL or Land). But: the maximum Altitude is set to 100 m and i am absolutely sure that i did not exceed this.

- GPS failsafe disabled

do you have any idea what caused this?

thanks a lot,


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  • Hey all,

    today i emptied 6 Lipos and had the same issue again on the last pack. Since this always happens when the batteries are starting to get low i am almost sure this is some kind offail safe i did not find yet. The quad landed again and after collecting it out in the field i checked voltage of my 3s lipo. The cells were at about 3.5 V. Is there anything in the apm planner i can do to avoid this or disable the feature? I would prefer a crash or a dead lipo instead of a smooth autolanding on lets say  .. water ; )

    Can i see what happened in the logs?



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