Quad Quandary

First time build, noob, green, no RC experience - So my ignorance is pre-stated.

On hooking up my AR8000 receiver to the 3DR PPM board what should the pin assignments be?  They are not labeled 1-8 on the receiver but rather thro, aile, elev, etc.  The manual doesn't state they should be different for version 3, but the 2.x manual says they should be different - anyone know and is it ok to just switch them around?  Right now the controls are all off from what they should be so I have moved the 1 to 3 so I could try to calibrate.

I have been unable to calibrate the ESC through the Pixhawk, but can going directly through the receiver; but still won't spin up once I go back through the Pixhawk.  I am reading that there is a problem using Emax 4in1 ESC with the Pixhawk, but I thought I saw that a newer firmware would correct that.  So should a firmware upgrade fix this?  I haven't found where to get the latest release candidate for it.  

If it just isn't going to work with the Emax, then is there a 4in1 brand, model that will work or would I be better off with individual ESCs?  (I'm being lazy and trying not to mess with any more wires than needed.)  More importantly what ESCs have you guys gotten to work with the Pixhawk?


  • TX: Spektrum DX8 in Airplane Mode
  • RX: AR8000 w/ Satellite (Running through 3DR PPM Board v3 I think)
  • Flight Controller:  Pixhawk
  • ESC: EMax 4in1 25A
  • Motors: 850Kv AC2830-358

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  • Update:  

    I found the option to show the beta releases and loaded that on to my Pixhawk.  I then recalibrated but still can't get the Emax 4in1 ESC to calibrate through the Pixhawk.  So to take the Emax out of the look I've ordered some separate ESC and will wait for those to come in.  

    For the RX issue I just switched the input signals for the PPM to correspond to what the sticks do on the TX and all seems ok except for the roll and yaw seem to be l/r reversed - a problem for later.

    Finally after the f/w update to the beta and the calibration I can no longer get the Pixhawk to talk to Mission Planner - It actually does connect for a second, says done and even updates the main screen, but then says it can't connect and gives the fwupdates.xml file not found error.  I have looked at my firewall settings, it is all wide open and nothing else has changed - Any suggestions?

    • Ok, so what I ended up doing is uninstalling MissionPlanner and then manually deleting the directory.  Then I reinstalled the program and it talks to my Pixhawk again.  Now just waiting for the ESCs and we'll see what is next.  

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