
Quad (SK450 w/ Dead Cat C.K) not taking off at all

Hey guys,

I am having difficulty in getting my SK450 Dead Cat to take off. Even at maximum throttle, it does not lift off. I am running AC 2.9.1 

According to xCopter Calc, it should hover at around 65% throttle.


My Setup:

I have checked and rechecked my propeller direction and motor connections through CLI motor test . I have also auto-calibrated the ESCs, re-calibrated them manually and redone radio calibration through MP repeatedly.

I have also tried to balance the copter, but am not exactly sure where the CG should be.

Total weight before takeoff is approximately 1400gms. I am not sure if its too heavy to lift off.

Can anyone please suggest how can I get it to atleast hover. I am just 14 and have spent a lot of money on this, and now I am feeling really frustrated that it cannot even takeoff. Is this due to the large battery?


Thanks in advance,


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