Quad suddenly flipping (2.0.46)

I have been away from AC2 code for a while, running Ardupirates code for several months without having any serious issues. Today I tried AC 2.0.46.


Everything seemed ok. I tested stabilize, alt hold, loiter and rtl. After a couple of batteries the quad suddenly flipped over and became uncontrollable. This happened while in loiter or RTL mode, don't remember exactly. It was 30m+ up in the air, so I had long enough time to switch to Stabilize, but the quad just flipped several times completely uncontrollable.


Unfortunatly I have no logs. I remember reading something about a person having the same problem in a earlier AC2 version. Is it still a problem in 2.0.46?


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  • Ok, It happened again! I flew for a cople of minutes, landed, and when I was going to take off again the motors started spinning, but then made a really anoying sound, quad flipping on the ground, laying on its head with motors whining. Had to disconnect power to shut them of.

    When I type "Dump 0", the logs are just dumped in the cli and the logs are erased. The buffer in the cli window is too small to copy much. But I did try to dump 1,2,3,,33,34 etc.before I tried "Dump 0", so I may have som e logs! I guess the highest log number is the one you need? I think this is the one!


    2011-11-01 05-36 34.log

  • When this happened I switched a lot between the different modes, including RTL. Based on earlier post with similar problems, I believe something in the code went wrong because of this.


    I have now changed the mode settings so that RTL is on the "top" of the list. This was done to ensure that when switching between Stabilize/AltHold/Loiter, the pulse output from the receiver does not go past the range where RTL is activated. I have been flying a lot today without any problems. I only tried RTL a couple of times, as I suspect it was something in this function that caused the controller sw to crash. I don't really need to use RTL, but it's nice to have as a last solution if the quad flies too far away and I loose orientation.


    I have to say that the code is a big improvement over Ardupirates. After tuning PID, Stabilize mode and ALThold is beautiful! Thanks a lot!! :-)


    I have to say

  • Developer

    can you go to the CLI and type dump 0?


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