I am designing a quad tilt rotor similar to the Bell/ Boeing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_Boeing_Quad_TiltRotor) but obviously scaled in size. Being new to arduino, but having a background in mechanical engineering, any help with programming tips would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you see any glaring mistakes, I'd love your feedback
My design setup:
Drive:4 large outrunner motors, 4 large servos, 26x10 2 pusher/2 tractor props, 4 10s Lipo packs, OPTO ESCs,
Control: Pixhawk 4, & GPS and compass, telemetry, camera. video telemetry, battery? Best place to purchase all of these?
It seems that my main issue as far as programming is concerned is switching from drone mode to airplane mode. Ideally, I would like to have a toggle switch on my radio that actuates 4 servos that tilt into airplane mode while having the motors at full or 75% power. The transition from drone to plane would alter the inputs from the radio or ouputs from the controller. From there (ideally) pitch would be controlled by the tilting servos, roll would be controlled by the slowing either both the left side or both ride side motors, and yaw would be speeding up and slowing down the right front/left back or left front motors. I believe that this method reduces the complexity and weight of additional servos, linkages, power and control requirements.
Is this possible to do with a 8 channel 2.4GHz system? If so, what resources are out there to assist with the programming? Thanks!