Quad with APM 2.5 first time set-up problem

My first build with the APM 2.5

I'm using the:
Turnigy H.A.L quadcopter Frame
AfroESC 30amp
Sunnysky x2212-9KV1400 motors
Turnigy carbon mixed slow fly props 10 x 4.5
APM 2.5
Turnigy 9x radio Acro mode

I got the quad assembled and did the pre-arm checks.

I armed the motors and very gently increased the throttle (I thought).

The quad immediately spun to the right (like a dog chasing its tail) and flipped over.

I took the props off and tried to gently spin up the motors. They seemed to increase speed to about half throttle without any difference in the speed of any of the motors.

I put the props back on and armed the motors (I have to hold the throttle to the left, not to the right.) Then ever so gently I increased the throttle. The copter immediately and aggressively flipped over onto its back.

 I thought I had done a basic setup and could get the quad to lift off the ground in stabilize mode if it had passed the pre-arm checks.

Can anyone offer some advice on what to check?

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  • I redid all of the calibration steps and it now flys!

    When I did the test > motors in the CLI I found out that I had not wired the motors correctly.

    I also watched Randy Mackay's 3.0 pre-arm checks and found out I had unchecked the box to automatically calibrate ghhj
    the compass.

    I still have a problem. The rudder moves backwards and if I reverse it in the 9x the motors won't arm.

    If I hold the throttle stick down and left it will arm but the rudder is backwards (Yaws left when I moved the stick right.)

    Any suggestions?

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