quadcopter going crazy

I'm an new bee and trying tune my quad. I start flying inside a big hall type of building because i cant go out side since its rainy and snowy. Anyway so i was doing good till suddenly my quad start going to 45 angle very quick without my command. Almost went though a glass window and hit a ceiling fan. Almost made a big property damage.

Trying to figure out why? this is the second time my quad did this. First time i end up having a big cut in my hand. Worst part is i cant even get close to quad after even it crashed since props were still doing it thing. my throttle was all the way down + i was in stabilize mood.

Does it because of poor GPS signal inside the building? and suddenly gps position jumped?

Why APM doesn't shutdown when quad crash?  Easily crash can be monitored and easy to implement a auto disarm procedure.

I'm using APM 2.5,3s 5000mha, 20a esc, 800kv motor and finally 1045 props. Firmware im using is 3.0.1v.

I can upload the log if somebody wants to look at it

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  • It would be worth uploading the logs from the flight if you have them.

    Mine did a similar thing once and the GPS wasn't providing updates as quickly as it should have been.  See Randy's very helpful reply in this thread - http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/apm-applied-full-pitch-back-and-f...

    Though mine only went mad after switching to loiter.  It shouldn't be using the GPS in stabilise unless you have fence enabled, or it entered RTL for some reason.

    Good luck!


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