QuadCopter motor wiring

Hi everyone. I am in the process of building my first (over-priced) QuadCopter. I do not understand the motor wiring. I understand motors 1 and 4 rotate their propellers clockwise, while motors 2 and 3 go anticlockwise. But I do not understand the wiring. My motors each havethree coloured wires (Red, Yellow and Black). The motor controllers each have three wires the same colour (blue). I have studied the construction photos and, looking carefully, I am confused as to which is which and what goes where. I have seen other kits where the motor and control wires are all the same colour (black). Am I missing some technical understanding?


I cannot test motor control and rotation, as I am awaiting a battery. My kit from Flycam, Korea, did not come with one.


See photo.


Please help. Would love to meet a friend in this exciting hobby.



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  • it does not matter how you connect them, if your motors spin in the wrong direction just swap any two wires ;)

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