quadcopter not level in mission planer hud

After installing the new 2.9 firmware the hud in the mission planer is tilted to the left by about 10 degrees.

I have done the calibration followed the video and steps tilting the quad in all directions as directed but the hud is still tilted to the one side .

have tried to take off but quad unstable .

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  • I'm having the same issue, were you able find a fix?

  • How far off is your level? I ended up adding a bit of negative bias to the advanced parameter AHRS_TRIM_X. The value I used was -0.0125 and now it's perfectly level.
  • You're not the only one to see this, it's been discussed a few times in the "arducopter 2.9 released" discussion. I haven't checked it in the last few days, but there's a few suggested solutions there. I haven't tried any if them yet, but will need to as I'm off 1-3 degrees in each axis now.
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