Hi Guys,
My quad has had a problem with spontaneously switching to RTL mode during my flights. I've flown for over 20 flights on this quad now and can't get this to stop happening. My logs always show my throttle dropping to 0 right before this happens. I've moved the reciever/antenna away from the battery because I thought the lipo might be causing interferance and it still happens. I've changed servo connectors for my throttle channel but it still went into RTL. Do I have a faulty reciever? It only seems to switch to RTL when i'm at a altitude higher than 50 feet. Its also not consistent. I've had flights where I flew to an altitude of 300 feet without it happening. It also seems to happen when the quad gets hit by a strong gust of wind - but i can't say that for certain. I can regain control of my quad by toggling the flight mode on my transmitter.
I can fly the quad aggressively in my backyard at low altitude and it will never happen. I don't have geofence or GPS failsafe enabled, just Throttle. I'm using a FlySky FST6 transmitter. It happens on both arducopter 3.01 and 3.1. Please take a look at the log and give me your thoughts.
Arducopter 3.1
F450 Clone
iPower 2212q 1000KV motors
30A Simok ESC
6400mAH 3S 20C battery
Sounds like the receiver, does it have twin antennas? I don't know this radio, if it does make sure they are at different angles. I would be tempted to put the machine into the hold at 50' in a big field and walk around until an RTL triggers.